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Idea Toscana

Courtesy Starter Set - Idea Toscana

Courtesy Starter Set - Idea Toscana

Regular price €28,00
Regular price Sale price €28,00
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Tax included.

The price of the single product varies based on the quantities


The Courtesy Starter Set is designed to give the quality your guest deserves through the essential products of the Idea Toscana courtesy line. Choose this natural courtesy kit if you are looking for the right quality – price ratio.

The kit includes

  • Bubble bath 7 ml
  • Shampoo 7ml
  • Soap 15 g

Here are the advantages of the Idea Toscana courtesy line

    • It is the only true NATURAL courtesy line on the market
    • It contains one of the most noble and important active ingredients present in nature: Organic Tuscan IGP Extra Virgin Olive Oil
    • All ingredients are 100% organic and natural
    • It offers a different and unique room welcome to your guests
    • Fast shipping (48/72h)
    • It reflects the values ​​and quality of your establishment
    • Tailored orders according to your needs (no obligation to purchase packaging)

Finally, the courtesy line is no longer an obligation, but a real value that you can offer your guests.

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